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Livro e fones de ouvido


Meus Livros

Journalist by training and a writer at heart. Since I was a child I had a dream - to write - and since I was a child I have been writing: short stories, blogs, novels, letters to my grandparents, reports, articles, posts on social networks, audiovisual scripts, texts for websites and apps, emails... and even grocery lists!

Wild Whispers

How much can you ignore the wild whispers of the forest? Sarah is a 16-year-old motherless teenager. She and her friends try to lead a normal life in their town of Vale Verde in the interior of Minas Gerais, but they dream of leaving that backwater and going to study in the big city. However, the truth about the death of Sarah's mother, the activist and environmentalist Janaína Maracajá, cannot be ignored. Increasingly, evidence points to the fact that she did not take her own life. The spirits will collect their blood debt. A child disappears. Sarah is forced to face her destiny. Follow this adventure.
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Knights of the Dawn: Book I

In the first book of the "Knights of the Dawn" trilogy, we are introduced to Sansara, Hakui and Kaledus, three young warriors who have just been selected for the Aurora team at the knight academy. As they face their first tests, the three begin to discover their own talents and weaknesses, forming an unlikely but united group. Sansara, however, carries a secret that could change everyone's fate: she is descended from an enemy lineage with the power to control magical creatures, something that not even she understands. As they face deadly challenges, such as fire worms and a ruthless chimera, the bonds between them grow stronger, but doubts and distrust also arise. The group will have to prove their worth in the arena and deal with the watchful eye of the prince regent, who has sinister plans for Sansara and her still dormant powers.
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Carine: The extraordinary

After rewatching the classic Carrie, I decided to read the book, and Stephen King is truly wonderful. That same week, I started thinking about how this theme is still so current and, with the internet, its importance has only intensified. I thought a lot about the end of the book and wondered: what if this story of Carrie had taken place in Brazil? What if Carrie had survived?
From these questions, I embarked on a creative journey. These pages are the result of my fan delirium and also a more contemporary reinterpretation of the plot, where Carine and Lolis emerge in a Brazilian setting, struggling with trauma, hatred and the weight of their choices.
A story that, in a way, echoes the challenges we all face today, but with a touch of the supernatural, superheroes and sharp social criticism. I do not believe in neutrality, each word conveys my experiences, convictions and my own traumas. Any coincidence with reality is not a coincidence.

Trigger warning: assault, domestic violence, extreme violence, sexual exploitation, alcoholism, explicit sexual content.
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Hellish Chills: Tales of Evanescence and Death

Calafrios Infernais é um livro de contos para se questionar, ir além da dor e dos sentimentos que o amor, a perda e a morte proporcionam. De forma surrealista, a autora descreve cenários dignos de um filme de psicose, no qual os personagens questionam a própria existência e florescem ao desvendar o próprio caminho. Romances, dissociações, experiências sobrenaturais, tudo atrelado aos Calafrios Infernais. É livro para ler e refletir, refletir sobre nós mesmos e nossa existência.

"Queria poder escrever sobre todas as coisas no mundo. Escrever sobre tudo que não vivi e mesmo assim me parece tão familiar. Escrever sobre as ausências que são tão presentes em todos os corações. Escrever sobre o toque do frio na pele morna da nossa vida. Contar sobre amores e dores inacabáveis, incabíveis e inatingíveis. Porque humanos precisam do abstrato, são carentes de sentimentos que eles mesmos inventaram. São carecidos de sentir, de saber, de finais felizes, de enredos trágicos, de óperas modernas com que consigam se identificar e captar por um instante a felicidade que desejam alcançar."

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Kicking the Bucket: Grace Kelly's Stages of Post-Breakup Grief

How long does it take to stop seeing someone you loved so much around every corner? What paths should you take to make the pain and hurt disappear? How can you love again when your heart has been broken and traumatized? These are some of the questions that permeate the story Grace Kelly shares in this book, which serves as a personal diary, a bridge between people who have shared this pain, and a light on the path for others. Let go of your denial of what you feel as you read this book. It is important to let the grief pass.
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Noiva Cordeiro is one of the districts of the municipality of Belo Vale in the state of Minas Gerais, located about 120 km from the state capital. The village gained international visibility after the publication of a fake news story in 2014 by the English newspaper The Telegraph about a village of only women looking for a husband in Brazil. Several journalists from Brazil and around the world went to the place interested in this peculiar story, ending up coming across an unusual way of life based on community life and land sharing. This book is the result of the author's final project for her Journalism course at the Júlio de Mesquita Filho São Paulo State University - UNESP in 2018.
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